Nick and I had a very interesting trip to India last week. We travelled via Dubai (where we have clients, candidates and contacts as we have business in the Middle East) to Amdebhad. Nick’s first time in India, not mine – but very different to the Mumbai and Goa areas that I have had the pleasure of enjoying in recent years!
In our one and only half day of free time we visited a Blind school within a disabled village – it was awesome to see the amazing work that they do from a Vodaphone blind call centre to chair making and equipment building and even a Physio department with cutting edge technology including new Japanese training. To be able to give out toys and so forth was a real joy and they were all so welcoming.
Our business focus was to visit a sister company IMS, they too are part of our group – the aim listed global staffing company Empresaria, for the annual conference and gala award event, as well as touring their offices and getting a real flavour of their work. It was hugely impressive in terms of process, staffing and their successes – over 300 people researching, resourcing, data cleansing, mapping, back office accounting – all performed to a very high level of KPIs and standards. (The old myth of one man in his back bedroom or a sweatshop of a call centre was thankfully dispelled!) The conference and gala award evening was better than the BAFTAs (although the one noticeable difference was the lack of alcohol – Amdebhad being a dry state!) See our photos below – if you are interested in offshoring do let me know and I’ll put you in touch.